Monday, September 26, 2016

Graph the Leaves!

This week in our TASK program, we have a fun seasonal activity lined up for the kids!  We are going on a leaf hunt!  After our nature walk, we are going to graph the leaves as we ask questions about the leaves to the students.  When we are done graphing our leaves, we will make a leaf collage!  It is sure to be a lot of FALL fun and we can't wait to show you our final product!

If you would like to learn more about why we love fall fun, click here!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Self Portraits

What a fun idea!  We asked our TASK students to make an illustration on how they see themselves.  We saw some very impressive and interesting portraits!     

Children’s drawings are their earliest attempts at writing and an important phase in their overall development. It is a phase when they represent what they have experienced with their senses when drawing in dry or wet sand, with water on a dry wall or on paper. It is not easy to use stubby and clumsy little fingers (2-4years) to say what they mean, and that is why a scribble can be a fire engine, a bat or scramble eggs. Converting thoughts onto paper is a skill that takes years to develop and goes hand in hand with ‘reading’ their own pictures by looking at their works of art and reconstructing their own thoughts and feelings before saying it out aloud.

If you would like to learn more about why we value creativity, click here!