Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Flubber Fun!

Yesterday was President's Day so the TASK friends were here all day. We had so much fun playing with our friends, watching movies, and getting to play outside in the beautiful weather. We also decided to put our scientist hats on and make some "Flubber" or "Gak" as some of the kids liked to call it. We mixed glue, water, borax, and food coloring to make this slimy fun goo. The kids even noticed that the stuff really bounced so they made some bouncy balls with it. The recipe is below along with some pretty great pictures of the kids playing with it. 

In bowl 1 mix 
  • 3/4 cup cold water
  • 1 cup of elmer's glue
  • food coloring (we used green)
In bowl 2 mix
  • 1/2 cup of hot water
  • 1 teaspoon of borax (you can find this in a box in the laundry aisle)
  • stir the borax into the water until it completely dissolves
Slowly add glue mixture to borax mixture, mix well, and pour off excess water. 

To find out more about T.A.S.K and why we think it is important to make science fun click here

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Painting in TASK

Today in TASK, we decided we wanted to be painters. The kids had a lot of fun using watercolors to make beautiful pictures. We hung them up in the classroom for everyone to see. We believe it is really important to let kids use their imaginations and paint whatever they like. This month I have been noticing a lot of hearts. We also have patterns and family portraits. I love seeing all of the different things they create. 

If you would like to learn more about why we think art is important click here