We have had so much in TASK for Spring Break. The kids have enjoyed seeing their friends from different schools and getting to play outside in this beautiful weather we have had. We played in centers, watched movies, played games outside, played on electronics, did art projects, and experimented with science. Take a look at just some of the fun we have had this week.
Just hanging out on the playground
Playing with water beads
(these beads start off small and expand in water)
They feel really cool.
Reading in our new cozy house!
The boys playing with Kinetic sand in the science center.
They were burying fossils for others to find later.
Having fun loading and transporting toys to different places in the room.
The girls listening to music and having fun with instruments.
Playing on the computer during quiet time.
"Naked Egg" experiment.
We put an egg in vinegar early in the week.
The vinegar caused the shell to dissolve leaving a "naked egg"
To learn more about TASK and why we think PLAY is so important click here